General terms & conditions

General terms and conditions of payment 2025 (Update 31 December 2024)

By accepting an order or an order for services, you also accept the general terms of payment below. 

1. An assignment can be agreed upon verbally but is always confirmed via e-mail or contract. The assignment cannot be canceled without a valid reason, unless after prior written agreement within 8 calendar days before the start assignment’s start date. For cancellations after 8 calendar days and without a valid reason, a cancellation fee in the amount of 30% will be charged on the canceled order. If the assignment is canceled, the client should do his best to propose another assignment to replace it. The freelancer blocks his schedule to carry out the agreed assignment and thus cannot accept other assignments. Therefore, it is expedient to deal with this properly so that the freelancer has a chance to seek and accept any other assignment. 2. Assignments are delivered within the agreed stated deadline. At no time can the freelancer’s time be seized beyond the times to the extent of the assignment under contract. The freelancer has complete freedom to work for different clients without being accountable to any client. The freelancer demonstrates professionalism within his profession and does not engage in conflicts of interest. The freelancer remains independent at all times given his/her self-employed status. The client must check the services provided immediately after delivery. Any comments must be reported by e-mail no later than 7 calendar days after delivery. Failure to respond is considered equivalent to acceptance. The freelancer’s liability is limited to the invoice value of the services delivered. (For media – In the event of adjustment and updating of previously accepted but unpublished works, a fee of €35 net per half-hour started without additional travel will be charged). The travel cost for Belgium is always determined according to the legally determined kilometer allowance (€0,4290/km). It is the latest new official rates that always apply. 4. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the invoice is payable within 15 calendar days from the day following the day of receipt of the invoice or fee note. (For media – This applies whether or not the work is published (in full)). 5. In the event of non-payment, the outstanding amount will be increased, ipso jure and without any notice of default being required, by annual interest of 12% and a fixed compensation of 15%, with a minimum of €250. Each non-payment shall result in the claim-ability of the outstanding invoices and shall entitle the freelancer, after notice of default, either to suspend any future deliveries or to dissolve the agreement, without prejudice to the right to compensation. If the client fails to comply with his contractual obligations, the freelancer/journalist/editor is entitled, after notice of default, either to suspend his obligations or to dissolve the agreement without judicial intervention, if the notice of default is not acted upon, or not usefully acted upon, within eight working days, without prejudice to the right to damages. 6. Where, in the capacity of the assignment, the personal e-mail address is to be used to serve clients, its use is subject to GDPR legislation. All e-mail addresses used to serve the assignment for the client’s benefit are never kept longer than necessary for the assignment, nor are they ever added to a commercial mailing list or sold on to third parties. After 1 year or earlier, and no longer than the assignment deems necessary, all e-mail addresses are deleted. For e-mailing, the freelancer/journalist/editor uses Outlook or Google’s Gmail program where the e-mail addresses are temporarily stored. The Outlook and Google email programs a reliable platforms with their GDPR. The freelancer/journalist/editor is not liable for any damage that the Microsoft or Google platform may have caused or incurred to the client’s or third parties’ email addresses. 7. All agreements are governed by Belgian law.                                                                                                                                         

Purchased products

You have the right to return a purchase within 14 days. However, the product must be returned in perfect condition. You will then get your money back within 14 days in the same way you bought it. It is appreciated to always include a reason so that improvements can be worked on. Thank you very much!

The updated terms and conditions are always publicly available on the website. Please consult them regularly.

As freelancers, we too work very hard. But if you steal our ideas, you also steal our bread and butter! Please maintain integrity!

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